Laparoscopic surgery

Is It Suitable For You?

  • Laparoscopic surgery is the official term for what is known as minimal invasion surgery. As opposed to open surgeries which involve a single long cut to the affected area (for example, the heart or the abdomen), a laparoscopic surgery uses several small incisions of 0.5 to 1 cm. These incisions are known as “ports”.

    Before the surgery begins, a tube known as a trochar is entered at each port. When the procedure begins, the surgeon inserts his devices and a small special camera through the tube into the body. The affected area is then expanded using carbon dioxide gas so that the surgeon can get a clear picture of the inside of the affected area on the monitors.

    This way, the surgeon can get an idea of what is going on inside the body without slicing the patient open.You don’t need to worry, however, because once everything is over, the trochars, camera, and instruments are removed diligently.

    Laparoscopic surgery is becoming increasingly popular in modern times, and the Niramay Hospital is best laparoscopic surgery hospital in Nagpur is using this method to treat their patients successfully.

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    What are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery?

    The first and most obvious advantage of laparoscopic surgery is that it does not penetrate too much into the body.While a general surgery would require the surgeon to cut deep into the body, a laparoscopic surgery uses only a few strategically placed incisions. This reduces the chances of excessive blood loss, which is a common concern with patients during surgery.

    With general and laparoscopic surgery in Nagpur, the patient can hope to heal faster. Since its only a few cuts of 1 cm each, the time of recovery is almost reduced to half when compared to traditional open surgery. With laparoscopic surgery, you will also not have to worry about infections, at least not as much as with traditional open surgery.